

Choice consists of the mental process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of them. We make choices all the time. We hope we make good choices. I might not always know what the outcome of my choice is and sometimes I do. Its completely up to Me which decision I make, If it's bad or good. One choice I make everyday is that of coming late to school. If I come on time my chances of passing my class increases but since I come late Im less likely to pass. People may judge my choice and say it's a bad choice. that's what's great about choices No matter if it's a bad or good choice I can choose whatever I want to do. Choices can also vary depending on how someone feels or the influence of others. For example if I feel tired I might choose to stay home and sleep but if a friend tells me he is going to a party he might encourage me to come.

The road not taken by Robert Frost is about a man that comes along two different roads in the woods, he looks down one and takes the other. the road he chose was less traveled and he doubted if he should have took that road but he stays on it. sometimes one may not feel sure about a certain choice even if its for the better. the man wasnt sure if he should have taken that road but he keeps going and in the the long run it was for the better he states at the end "I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference"

The Hispanic legend of the llorona is about a beautiful lady who's husband ignores. she became so angry that she drowns her kids in a river. this legend influences a decission made by maria in the short story dead end. the story takes place in a barrio its about maria a highschool senior who has to choice between having fun or keeping a promise to her mother to get a good education YOUR EMAIL
© Kevin Wisky 2011